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Joel Brodksy photo, from album sleeve Transformations (1977, Vanguard Records)

FAREWELL BUNKY GREEN (April 23, 1933 – March 1, 2025), a trailblazing saxophonist and educator who carved his own unique musical identity in the wake of the Charlie Parker revolution. Green credited his brief tenure with Charles Mingus’ Jazz Workshop in the mid-1950s as having exerted a deep impact on his artistry and musical conception. These collaborations were sadly not recorded, but in a 2010 interview with Patrick Jarenwattananon for NPR Jazz’s A Blog Supreme, Green shared his memories and takeaways from those days. Excerpts can be found in the following slides, and the full interview can be found at the following link:

On Mingus And The Midwest: The Bunky Green Interview”, Oct. 14, 2010, NPR

1 & 2: Excerpts from NPR Jazz interview

3 & 4: Bunky Green photographed 1960 in Chicago by Ted Williams